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    Your Church

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    Your Church Role

    I am equipping and being equipped by example through servant leadership.

    Our church celebrates how our own family households are impacting the Kingdom for Christ.

    My increasing influence in the lives of others confirms that I am growing as a faithful and godly example worthy of imitation.

    I am confident that our congregation understands the doctrines of biblical conversion and assurance of salvation.

    Our church consistently models a gentle and respectful engagement with unbelievers.

    Our church is enjoying increased passion and participation of individuals in corporate prayer.

    We are unashamed of the gospel message and proclaim it boldly.

    Our leadership articulates the gospel accurately and clearly.

    Our leadership encourages and examples personal discipleship with individual Christians.

    We provide inclusive opportunities for all individuals within our church to grow stronger together as a diverse spiritual family.

    Our congregation uses their spiritual gifts to serve others inside and outside the church.

    Our leadership cultivates a culture of mutual love and encouragement in our mission together as a church.

    Our church regularly equips congregants to discover and demonstrate their spiritual gifts.

    Our leadership encourages and examples how true worship inspires faithful witness.

    Our church calendar includes training times in biblical apologetics.

    We facilitate consistent opportunities for everyone in our church to come together for corporate prayer.

    I am sincerely heard by my leaders and able to submit to them respectfully in times of disagreement.

    Our congregation has a plan to help people develop practical habits of personal worship.

    Our church clearly understands how healthy fellowship impacts our God-given ministry and mission together.

    Our congregation has a plan to equip people by example to share the biblical gospel.

    Our leadership consistently models the priority of prayer in all aspects of life and ministry.

    Our church enables enough ministry opportunity for every saint to use their spiritual gifts.

    Prayer is a key component of our worship gatherings, teaching times, and discipleship groups.

    My personal progress in the faith is evident to all, especially those closest to me.

    Our church celebrates and testifies together when congregants share the gospel with unbelievers.

    Our leadership encourages and examples personal evangelism with family and friends.

    We provide safe and supportive ways for our saints to see one another working out their salvation.

    Our leaders inspire the partnership and participation of our congregants in the mission of our church.

    Our church consistently connects gospel truths with gospel behaviour.

    Our congregation has a comprehensive plan to provide couples with marriage counseling and mentoring.

    I am confident that adoring Christ is our church’s passion and priority whenever we gather together as His people.

    Our congregation has an ongoing plan to identify and answer all cultural objections to Christianity.

    Our leadership consistently equips households with training and tools for family worship.

    Our congregation knows and shares the reason for their hope in Christ.

    I consistently collaborate with other leaders to grow our church in gospel ministry.

    We have experienced the blessing of new believers in our church in the past 6 months.

    Our ministry model consistently reflects a confidence in the power of the gospel alone to save.

    Our leaders inspire the saints to unify and multiply our church in the gospel through spiritual gifts.

    We are confident in our ability to faithfully minister to those who do not belong to a traditional family structure.

    Our congregation has a consistent plan to relationally teach each disciple to follow and obey Christ.

    Our church intentionally mentors men and women to be Christians on mission wherever they walk most in relationship with others.

    Our church can confidently articulate how holiness and apologetics are connected.

    The heart of our congregation reflects the fact that we know worship means more than music.

    Our leaders are intentionally developing and discipling future leaders.

    Our church worships God with great joy when we gather together.

    Our congregation is regularly reminded of the gospel for salvation and sanctification.

    Our church can clearly articulate the importance and purpose of spiritual gifts for gospel mission.

    Our church praises God for answered prayer as a regular part of gathering together.

    Our congregation gives generously in both time and money to our church.

    Our church clearly understands how individual giving helps advance the gospel together.